Start where you are. Somatic Movement is a practice of tuning into how your body feels. A few minutes a day gleans huge benefits.
Read MoreIntroduce yourself to Lifestyle Optimisation. What is it? How can you leverage it to have the life you desire? What is the first step?
Read MoreShortcuts to creating a schedule of easeful movement daily. To move everyday is a free pleasure we can cultivate ourselves without stress or overwhelm.
Read MoreThe poetics of discomfort explores transformative emotions that arise from challenging experiences, by inviting reflection we have the ability to simplify the overwhelm and tune-in to our selves daily.
Read MoreHow can we overcome comparison fatigue to find flow in our own true selves? Here we offer a series of strategies to untangle ourselves from endless striving for perfection.
Read MoreSharing my story of lifestyle optimisation: Initially I yearned to gain more space for things that I love; Life quickly evolved into generating systems that gave me this space, and much more.
Read MoreWith all the tasks and activities of parenthood sometimes its hard to carve out time for movement and exercise. Adding a schedule can be simple: little-by-little for long term sustainability and lasting fitness.
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